2010年7月 的存档

视频: Joe Wong (带字幕)2010年美国记者年会上的表演







收藏:魅族M8 Android内核源码和固件下载

魅族官方提供了M8的Android内核源码,包含了完整的驱动以及说明,由于MEIZU M8的物理硬件和iPhone一样平时操作的只有1个Home键无法模拟,Android的Back、Menu以及其他因素魅族放弃了M8跑Android的计划。由于M8使用的是Samsung ARM11内核的S3C6410工作频率为667MHz,山寨厂商有一定的借鉴价值。

  有关魅族M8的ADB驱动 http://m8-android-kernel.googlecode.com/files/M8_6410_adb_driver.rar

  M8的Android编译好固件下载,刷机方法和Wince的一致,下载后直接解压放到USB Storage的根目录 http://code.google.com/p/m8-android-kernel/source/browse/bin/m8_android.rar 

  M8 for Android源码托管在Google Code上面,使用SVN工具直接提取 浏览地址 http://code.google.com/p/m8-android-kernel/source/browse/#svn/trunk 需要注意的是Android开发网发现有关Modem这块代码没有,涉及到了英飞凌的机密,不过可以看到编译好的库,直接挂上即可。

  SVN Checkout地址 http://m8-android-kernel.googlecode.com/svn/trunk


  1. make menuconfig

A. 串口改成串口3输出打印信息。
(一) (root=/dev/nfs init=/init nfsroot= ip= console=ttySAC2,115200
(二) System Type  —>S3C UART to use for low-level messages—>2

B. Onenand驱动支持
(一) Device Drivers  —>Memory Technology Device (MTD) support  —>OneNAND Device Support  —>
[*]   Verify OneNAND page writes                                
<*>   OneNAND Flash device via platform device driver
(二) onenand的支持
(三) Makefile修改
drivers\mtd\onenand\Makefile文件最后添加一行:onenand-objs = s3c_onenand.o,编译s3c_onenand.o,连接进内核。
(四) 在arch\arm\mach-s3c6410\mach-smdk6410.c中
static struct platform_device pmem_gpu1_device = {
 .name = “android_pmem”,
 .id = 1,
 .dev = { .platform_data = &pmem_gpu1_pdata },
/*add by liuyihui 2009-08-21*/
/* OneNAND Controller */
/* OneNAND flash controller */
#define S3C64XX_PA_ONENAND     (0x70100000)
#define S3C64XX_SZ_ONENAND     SZ_1M
static struct resource s3c_onenand_resource[] = {
 [0] = {
  .start = S3C64XX_PA_ONENAND,
  .end   = S3C64XX_PA_ONENAND + S3C64XX_SZ_ONENAND – 1,
  .flags = IORESOURCE_MEM,
struct platform_device s3c_device_onenand = {
 .name    = “onenand”,
 .id    = -1,
 .num_resources   = ARRAY_SIZE(s3c_onenand_resource),
 .resource   = s3c_onenand_resource,
 .dev.platform_data = &s3c_nand_mtd_part_info
/*add end*/
在数组static struct platform_device *smdk6410_devices[] __initdata = {的最后添加:
 &s3c_device_onenand /*add by liuyihui 2009-08-21*/
(五) 分区表修改:使userdata从0x0a000000开始
                .name  = “cache”,
                .offset  = MTDPART_OFS_APPEND,
                .size  = (67*SZ_1M)+0x1000000,//orig:(67*SZ_1M)/*modified by cefanty 2009-08-21*/
(六) 修改drivers\mtd\onenand\generic.c

C. Device Drivers  —>Input device support  —>  []   Keyboards  —>
(一) 暂时去掉键盘支持,因为键盘占用了GPK14口,GPK14口在M8是USB供电开关的GPIO,拉高才能用USB

D. Device Drivers  —> [*] USB support  —>  <*>   USB Gadget Support  —>
(一) <*>   USB Gadget Drivers (Ethernet Gadget (with CDC Ethernet supp
(二) Ethernet Gadget (with CDC Ethernet support)             
(三) [ ]       RNDIS support
(四) d.1)选择Ethernet Gadget (with CDC Ethernet supp,用于把M8模拟成网卡,实现nfs挂载系统。同时去掉RNDIS support支持,因为ubuntu下没有驱动支持。
(五) drivers\usb\gadget\s3c-udc-otg-hs.c修改为USB使用外部晶振
//writel(0x20, S3C_USBOTG_PHYCLK); /*commented by liuyihui 2009-08-24*/
writel(0x00, S3C_USBOTG_PHYCLK);  /*00:USB使用外部晶振。modified by liuyihui 2009-08-24*/

2. 驱动移植和修改

A. LCD驱动移植
i. drivers\video\Kconfig,搜索config FB_S3C_LTS222QV,在后面添加如下选项
config FB_S3C_LMS340KC01
 bool “LMS340KC01”
ii. 添加驱动:drivers\video\samsung\s3cfb_lms340kc01.c
a) 复制刘奕辉开发的s3cfb_lms340kc01.c驱动到目录drivers\video\samsung\
b) 在drivers\video\samsung\Makefile文件最后添加内容:
obj-$(CONFIG_FB_S3C_LMS340KC01) += s3cfb_lms340kc01.o
iii. 修改drivers\video\samsung\s3cfb_fimd4x.c,在函数s3cfb_set_gpio最后注释代码,添加:

#if 0/*commented by liuyihui 2009-08-24*/
 /* module reset */
 if (gpio_is_valid(S3C64XX_GPN(5))) {
  err = gpio_request(S3C64XX_GPN(5), “GPN”);

  if (err) {
   printk(KERN_ERR “failed to request GPN for ”
    “lcd reset control\n”);
   return err;

  gpio_direction_output(S3C64XX_GPN(5), 1);


 gpio_set_value(S3C64XX_GPN(5), 0);

 gpio_set_value(S3C64XX_GPN(5), 1);


/*add by liuyihui 2009-08-24*/
*打开M8 LCD需要用到的GPIO口
#if 1 //M8 GPIO set hight
 /* module reset *///LCD_nRESET_SHIFT/*4*/
 if (gpio_is_valid(S3C64XX_GPQ(4))) {
  err = gpio_request(S3C64XX_GPQ(4), “GPQ”);

  if (err) {
   printk(KERN_ERR “failed to request GPQ for ”
    “lcd reset control\n”);
   return err;
  gpio_direction_output(S3C64XX_GPQ(4), 1);

 /* module reset *///LCD_nSS_SHIFT/*5*/
 if (gpio_is_valid(S3C64XX_GPQ(5))) {
  err = gpio_request(S3C64XX_GPQ(5), “GPQ”);

  if (err) {
   printk(KERN_ERR “failed to request GPQ for ”
    “lcd reset control\n”);
   return err;
  gpio_direction_output(S3C64XX_GPQ(5), 0);
 /* module reset *///LCD_MOSI_SHIFT/*7*/
 if (gpio_is_valid(S3C64XX_GPQ(6))) {
  err = gpio_request(S3C64XX_GPQ(6), “GPQ”);

  if (err) {
   printk(KERN_ERR “failed to request GPQ for ”
    “lcd reset control\n”);
   return err;
  gpio_direction_output(S3C64XX_GPQ(6), 1);
  /* module reset *///LCD_MOSI_SHIFT/*7*/
 if (gpio_is_valid(S3C64XX_GPQ(7))) {
  err = gpio_request(S3C64XX_GPQ(7), “GPQ”);

  if (err) {
   printk(KERN_ERR “failed to request GPQ for ”
    “lcd reset control\n”);
   return err;
  gpio_direction_output(S3C64XX_GPQ(7), 1);
 /* module reset *///LCD_CLK_SHIFT/*8*/
 if (gpio_is_valid(S3C64XX_GPQ(8))) {
  err = gpio_request(S3C64XX_GPQ(8), “GPQ”);

  if (err) {
   printk(KERN_ERR “failed to request GPQ for ”
    “lcd reset control\n”);
   return err;
  gpio_direction_output(S3C64XX_GPQ(8), 1);


 return 0;
/*add end*/
iv. 修改drivers\video\samsung\s3cfb_spi.c,在函数s3cfb_set_gpio最后注释代码,添加:
在代码#elif defined(CONFIG_PLAT_S3C64XX)后面添加:

#define MEIZU_M8
#ifdef MEIZU_M8
#define S3C_FB_SPI_CLK(x) (S3C64XX_GPQ(8 + ( 4)))
#define S3C_FB_SPI_MOSI(x) (S3C64XX_GPQ(7 + (4)))
#define S3C_FB_SPI_CS(x) (S3C64XX_GPQ(6 + (4)))
#define S3C_FB_SPI_CLK(x) (S3C64XX_GPC(1 + (ch * 4)))
#define S3C_FB_SPI_MOSI(x) (S3C64XX_GPC(2 + (ch * 4)))
#define S3C_FB_SPI_CS(x) (S3C64XX_GPC(3 + (ch * 4)))

B. 触摸屏移植
C. 按键移植

3. Busybox在Android上的使用

To build busybox
• Download the latest version of busybox from the following website. At the time of writing the latest version was v.1.13.3.
• Extract the busybox source:
tar jxf busybox-1.13.3.tar.bz2
• Configure busybox by running menuconfig
cd busybox-1.13.3/
make menuconfig
• In menuconfig set the following options
Busybox Settings –> Build Options –> Build Busybox as a static binary (no shared libs)  –  Enable this option by pressing “Y”
Busybox Settings –> Build Options –> Cross compiler prefix  –  Set this option equal to “arm-none-linux-gnueabi-”
Busybox Settings –> Installation Options –> Don’t use /usr  –  Enable this option by pressing “Y”
Linux Module Utilities  —>  [ ] Simplified modutils 这项不能选,否则insmod 驱动模块加载会提示找不到*.ko驱动文件的路径
• Export path to where the cross-compiler is located on the host, for example:
export PATH=/opt/arm/arm-2007q3/bin:$PATH
• Build busybox
Installing Busybox
To install busybox in the target file-system
• Create a /bin directory in the target file-system. For example:
mkdir /<path-to-android-fs>/bin
• Copy the busybox binary to the /bin directory in the target file-system
cp busybox /<path-to-android-fs>/bin
•  Install the busybox command line tools on the target by executing the following commands:
cd /bin
./busybox –install
Make the Busybox shell the default shell
To make the busybox shell the default shell, edit the file “init.rc” in the target file-system as follows:
• Edit the console service so that it runs the busybox shell and not the default shell by replacing:
service console /system/bin/sh
service console /bin/sh
• Add the path of the busybox command line tools to the system path variable by replacing:
export PATH /sbin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin
export PATH /bin:/sbin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin

Android cupcake 1.5版移植

1. 在Android挂载SD移植

cupcake 1.5版需要改写下列文件。

A.    编译mountd,并在文件系统中启动这一服务。

   修改 system/core/mountd/Android.mk文件,开放最后一行

    # disabled – we are using vold now instead
    # include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE)

    # disabled – we are using vold now instead
    include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE)

B.     增加 安装mountd.conf 文件

      修改 system/core/rootdir/init.rc文件


     service mountd /system/bin/mountd
          socket mountd stream 0660 root mount
C.     修改  system/core/rootdir/Android.mk 文件, 增加 etc/mountd.conf \,如下:

    copy_from := \
       etc/dbus.conf \
       etc/init.goldfish.sh \
       etc/mountd.conf \
D. 修改根文件系统的system\etc \mountd.conf文件:
block_device    /dev/block/mmcblk0